There is no warning for hate speech of any kind. This subreddit has a zero-tolerance policy for hateful or unnecessary language. Try /r/homeworkhelp or /r/cheatatmathhomework instead. Posts which seem to be asking for help on homework will be removed. For more abstract math, try /r/math or /r/learnmath. Posts containing 'simple math' will be removed, as well as requests whose answers are easily searchable online, and any other post at the moderators' discretion. How many feet are in a mile?) use Wolfram|Alpha™. ' /u/FragTheWhale calculates.'.įor easy and quick math results (ex. Give credit where credit is due-include the user who made the calculations in any post you submit: ex. posts must have a calculable answer otherwise, they will be removed. State clearly what is being or what you want calculated in the title.
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